Auto Injuries

It's important to seek treatment for your injuries as soon as possible after an automobile accident. Injuries that are left untreated usually don't heal as well and often cause negative changes to the body that may result in a lifetime of severe health problems. Automobile accidents often damage muscles, ligaments and tendons. Muscle spasms can be painful and may lead to a straightening of the curve in your neck. This combination of muscle spasm and decreased mobility can cause pain in your neck and shoulders, pain or numbness into your arms or hands and headaches. It is also common for automobile accidents to cause shoulder, leg and knee pain as well as low back pain. Nerves that are pinched in your low back may result in sciatica, which is leg pain that radiates from your low back into your leg.
Chiropractic treatment is considered one of the most effective treatments for your accident injuries. It consists of specific Chiropractic spinal adjustments and physiotherapy modalities to help restore normal functioning to your body. This is extremely important to your recovery because a normally functioning body is much better equipped to heal itself. It just needs help in the form of several treatments and time to heal.
Immediately after your accident, you may need to manage your pain and muscle spasms with pain medications and muscle relaxers. Their use is only encouraged in moderation and for as short a time as necessary. My goal with Chiropractic treatment is to correct the underlying cause of your symptoms and restore you to better overall health. I realize that all people aren't the same and will create a treatment plan that is personalized based on your age, health history and severity of your injuries. I take pride in delivering the highest level of health care in a friendly, caring and compassionate environment. I look forward to helping the residents of Bushnell and all of Sumter County who have been injured in an automobile accident.
Yours In Health,
Jeffrey Lincoln DC
Chiropractic Physician